Ryan and I had a
splendid holiday in the "Long Island" of Utah, aka Park City. (In Grenada, they don't say vacation, they say holiday like the British do.)
I did have two comical culture shocks:
One; as we left the SLC Airport, I was a little unnerved why no one was looking at me at all... and then I remembered that white people never stare at other white people!
Two; I almost told my mom about 3 times that she was driving on the incorrect side of the road. Oh boy.
Here are some fabulous pictures of the last 8 weeks or so on and off the island. And yes, I do realize that I am becoming that girl whose pictures widely consist of food and her dog.
"You guyz not leave wi'out me, wight?" |
"Somefing's wrong with dis guy." |
Where's the Chewey? |
Chicken Cordon Bleu with white wine cheese sauce & Grilled Asparagus wrapped in prosciutto. |
Baby brothers Spencer (left) and Emerson (right). (Yes, they're both a head taller than me.) |
My pretty momma enjoying her Christmas present. And it gets better: I gave her a yoga class before, she took a bubble bath after dinner, and went to bed at 10 pm. Yep, Best Present Award goes to Ryan & Jessi this year! |
Yom yom yom! |
Amazing Dinner #2 per Chef Ryan: his bday meal. Lovely green Harvest salad! (Avocados were me. Thank you.) |
Lobster Bisque (Fat Free, Weight-Loss Enhancing, & Cellulite Reducer, of course!) |
What a pretty Tray of Creme Brulees! |
Once again, whipped cream, berry, and mint leaf were me. Hair toss, Thank You! |
So cute--Ryan teaching Zane how to fetch with Chewey! |
Momma with her cute little kindergarteners |
Umm... Super pathetic. And awkward. (Yes, he killed his toy lobster and moved on to his rope.) |
Mom made Ryan an apple pie for his bday! It was dee-lish! And muy bonita. |
Okay, who is the best wife EVER?! My best present to him yet, methinks. |
Tah-Daaaahhhh!!! Now I should know everything. (Wait, what?!?!) |